With Equiloco planning of your training is made simple. Whether you just want to track your normal training or you want help from an expert, Equiloco can help you. With the help of experts, you can create a plan that suits you and your horse, analyze the training, and follow your progress. Just pick a plan and follow it while you ride or just track your free ride.
As an expert Equiloco helps you to get the most out of the horses, you follow, and enables you to expand your business. If there are any special needs, you can tailor a plan to a specific horse and follow how they progress. Communication between rider and expert has never been easier.
With the Equiloco app you can learn from the best – while you ride at home! The app gives you access to training videos from some of the best riders in the world. Download exactly the sessions relevant for you and your horse – and start learning. At Equiloco we work with high profile riders from all disciplines. They give you insights into their preferred training and tips on how to get it just right.
Do you ever forget what the vet said? You remembered the part where she said you could start riding again - and then tuned out when she told you the rehab plan in details. Through the Equiloco app you can get customized rehabilitation plans - just download the one relevant for you and your horse - and start the road to recovery.
Let us look out for you when you ride out on your own. Install the Equiloco app, choose your preferred contact, make sure your phone is in your pocket with the app in riding mode, and ride. If something unfortunate happens and you stop moving, the app will send a message with your location to your chosen contact.
Ask your prefered expert, get advice and your own personal training plan directly in your app.
Are you training according to the plan? Equiloco tells you exactly when to do what, and measures if you do it. It even shows you how to do it if you are in doubt. This makes it so much easier to follow the plan you and your expert has agreed upon.
Is it hard to follow the progress of your customers? Let us organize it all and help you be prepared for your next appointment. We help you create an exceptional customer experience and expand your business.